Hollywood Flops of 2011


Hollywood Flops of 2011

The year ending is one that Hollywood will try to forget, even after they saw the highest grossing films complicated the task of attracting people to the cinemas. The magazine Entertainment Weekly gave an account of the 15 big-budget productions that iled

more and more losses meant for their studies.

First, it is Mars needs moms, the Disney film, having had a budget of U.S. $ 150 million, just raised $ 39 million worldwide. In second place is Sucker Punch, the film starring Vanessa Hudgens and Emily Browning, who after having had a production cost of

$ 82 million raised the worldwide total of U.S. $ 89.9 million.

At number three is Arthur, which meant only U.S. $ 5.7 million in earnings, despite its stellar cast that includes Russell Brand, Helen Mirren and Jennifer Garner. Also with stellar cast Green Lantern raised U.S. $ 219.9 million worldwide, only U.S. $ 19.9

more than its production cost.

Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford were not enough to make Cowboys & Aliens at the international box office triumph. Having cost $ 163 million, the film grossed $ 178.8 million. Other films that appear in the box office ranking as ilures are 3D Glee, Conan

the Barbarian, I do not know how she does it, The Thing, The Big Year, The Rum Diarvanessa hudgensy, Anonymous, Tower Heist, Happy Feet 2, and New Year&8217;s Eve.

Every film industry ces a lot of rejections and few super hits. People dont want to see the monotonous romantic, action, thrillers anymore. They want to see the mix of ideas plus something that forces them to think what will happen next not something

that is crystal clear from start or predictable. Producers should look to bring innovation and reality into the themes. It will definitely attract viewers to cinema halls; just like Inception, X-Men and Avatar.

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Posted byFahad Zaron Jan 6 2012. Filed underEntertainment.You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0.You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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